Archive for the ‘Search Engine Optimization – SEO’ Category

Over the past year and a few months, ChatGPT broke onto the scene in such a big way and was immediately perceived to be an existential threat to Google in its search engine dominance. It is obvious why this is: OpenAI’s ChatGPT is one of the first, most reliable artificial intelligence systems that has highly […]

What are SEO Experts called? An SEO expert is often called an Internet Marketer, SEO specialist, Search Marketer, or very precisely, an SEO consultant.

A Search Engine Optimization Expert Witness, or “SEO Expert Witness”, needs to have a number of characteristics in order to be considered qualified to work as a testifying expert in litigation. I have been asked a number of times about what it takes to be an SEO Expert Witness, so I thought it would be […]

Q: What is an SEO Expert Witness? An SEO Expert Witness assists attorneys and their clients with cases involving where search engine optimization has been used, such as in trademark infringement and online defamation cases. SEO Expert Witnesses can explain how search engines function, how they index pages, and why they rank pages higher or […]

Are you looking to level-up on your Local Search Engine Optimization game? Do you feel like you may be missing some of the vital components necessary to get your business ranking higher in Google’s local search results and Google Maps’? If so, you will want to take advantage of this opportunity! Argent Media founder, Chris […]

Argent Media CEO, Chris Silver Smith, will be speaking at the upcoming Content Marketing Conference in Boston, April 16-19, 2019, on how Twitter can impact search engine optimization, and the overlaps between content marketing management and SEO. Twitter is one of the top social media platforms that provides significant benefits to companies and personal brands, including […]

This weekend in Fort Worth, I will be speaking at WordCamp DFW. WordCamp is a friendly, unstuffy conference that focuses on everything involving WordPress, which is free, open-source internet publishing software used by more than 75 million sites on the web.  Talks at these conferences range anywhere from how-tos on blogging, to customized software development […]

I’m speaking this week at the Search Marketing Expo (SMX) East conference in New York this week on how to derive Search Engine Optimization (“SEO”) benefits from social media. In the past, this topic has been a little bit controversial. On one hand, people in SEO sometimes tend to think that Social Media is worthless […]

Argent Media founder, Chris Silver Smith, will be speaking next week at the SMX Advanced Conference in Seattle on the panel, “Keywords on ‘Roids: Advanced Workarounds For Vanishing Keyword Data“, along with industry veterans Christine Churchill (KeyRelevance) and Rae Hoffman (PushFire). As all search engine marketers are aware, Google has steadily reduced the keyword referral […]

We wrote previously in “Local SEO 101: What Are Local Citations?” that Google’s earliest algorithm was based upon automatically evaluating the links pointing to a webpage in order to calculate a score, upon which rankings could be based. While we further explained in that post how Local Citations are essentially the “Link” where local search […]

Since the earliest days of search engine optimization (“SEO”), the page Title <title></title> text has been one of the most influential on-page elements for keyword rankings in search results. For local business websites, the Title text on the homepage is particularly influential. In fact, it may be the most important factor on the most important […]

In my Web Marketing Today article this week, “SEO: Breadcrumbs Are Bread-and-Butter“, I point out how making a simple coding change to your breadcrumbs can improve the visibility and total clickthroughs to your site in Google and Bing search results. The same tip applies for local business websites, which are frequently very bare-bones in terms […]

Chris Silver Smith, president of Argent Media, was recently interviewed by a Seattle Times reporter, and she’d asked him to conjecture on some of the things Costco might choose to do in order to improve their site for search. (See the article at “Costco makes plans for boosting its online sales“) He pointed out a […]

About [Ag] Search Blog

[Ag] is the symbol for the element Silver and is 47th in the periodic table of elements, an abbreviation for the Latin word for Silver, "Argentum". The [Ag] Search Blog is provided by Argent Media.

Sharing research, thoughts, commentary about Internet Marketing, SEO, Social Media, Online Reputation Management, and our SEO Expert Witness services.


  • Chris Silver Smith: I was approached by the Department of Justice some years ago to provide testimony regarding the pote [...]
  • Sean Fagin: Interesting - I had not thought of this niche in SEO! I might have to try out doing this myself. Ho [...]
  • How to Make Friends with Influencer Marketing - [Ag] Search Blog: […] My grant from the Chris Smith Institute for Exotic Travel was enough to cover both days of [...]
  • Chris Silver Smith: Good point about Gawker being a muckraking site in of itself. But there are a number of others who [...]
  • Rob M: Referencing Gawker for character assassination isn't so helpful since they were sued into oblivion b [...]