Chris Silver Smith Speaking on Local SEO at SearchExchange in Charlotte, NC

In: Industry News & Happenings|Local Search

3 Jul 2012
by Argent Media

SearchExchange internet marketing conference 2012

Argent Media’s President, Chris Silver Smith, will be speaking in Charlotte, NC, on the topic of Local SEO at the annual SearchExchange Internet Marketing Conference, on July 24 2012.

Smith will cover some of Google’s “Prominence” ranking factors, and some techniques for how local businesses may optimize for advantage through them. “Prominence” is something of a catch-all term which Google engineers have used to collectively refer to ranking signals which help them to determine the relative popularity of one business versus others in the same area and business type category. Prominence factors in local search engine optimization can be subtle and complex, making it increasingly difficult for marketers to understand what they can do to influence their rankings in Google Place Search and in Google Maps. Smith’s presentation will clearly explain some of the criteria used by the search engines, and will provide some concrete methods for enhancing the ranking power of local business listings in search results.

This week, Smith also published an article which illustrates how Foursquare and check-in services could be a Local Seo ranking factor.

To keep up with future events featuring Chris Silver Smith, watch the Argent Media Appearances page.


1 Response to Chris Silver Smith Speaking on Local SEO at SearchExchange in Charlotte, NC


Learn Some Search Secrets at the Internet Marketing Conference 2012 – Local Search Blog

July 16th, 2012 at 4:03 pm

[…] at SearchExchange to talk about “Google Local SEO & Advanced Citation Development.” As was announced on his company’s blog, “Smith’s presentation will clearly explain some of the criteria used by the search engines, […]

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[Ag] is the symbol for the element Silver and is 47th in the periodic table of elements, an abbreviation for the Latin word for Silver, "Argentum". The [Ag] Search Blog is provided by Argent Media.

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