If you attended my presentation at the DFW SEM meeting in January on Semantic Markup for Local SEO, or if you read my articles on “13 Semantic Markup Tips For 2013: A Local SEO Checklist” and “Authorship: The Top Search Marketing Tactic in 2013“, you’ll recall that I recommended sites add in semantic markup wherever possible to gain more attention (and click-throughs) in search results.
As an experiment, I’d added a gluten-free Alfredo recipe I came up with near the end of last year to my Argent Media site. I’m also using Authorship markup on the site, too. After a few days/weeks for Google’s systems to process the additional content, my Alfredo page is now showing up in the search results — with a combination of Recipe rich snippets and Author markup information. Here’s how it looks:
I honestly wasn’t sure if the recipe snippet would be allowed to appear for my site. Google may not automatically trust all sites for all types of rich snippet treatments, and I would suppose that SEO agency sites would be high on their list of questionable sites for such content. Even sites that are specialized for industries that lend themselves to particular rich snippets can’t always achieve the display of rich snippets.
(Also, it’s very clear to me that Google’s algorithm for invoking rich snippet listing treatments use a few determining factors, perhaps involving how many other rich snippets are displayed on the same page of search results, how popular the page may be for a particular keyword, etc.)
In any case, I think the interesting part of the snippet layout is the combination of Recipe rich snippet and Author rich snippet. I’m surprised that I haven’t seen the Author tagging added at some of the top food and recipe websites yet. My author tag doesn’t lend as much juice as the names of so many of those celebrity chefs would!
I’d bet that other snippet combinations with the author tag are possible — have you seen any in the wild?
4 Responses to What Does Recipe Rich Snippet Combined With Authorship Markup Look Like?
Petra Kraft
March 6th, 2013 at 12:36 am
Hi, I have spoted the same here on one of our customers – here is the link to the image -> http://www.alpenhof.info/img/recipe-authorship.png or live with the following query https://www.google.at/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGNI_deAT458AT458&q=Lachsfilet+aus+dem+Wurzelsud
Chris Silver Smith
March 6th, 2013 at 7:14 am
Interesting! Thank you for the additional example, Petra.
March 9th, 2013 at 2:44 pm
Add it the stars of the aggreagate rating rich snippet and that’s the perfect listing.
From Microdata & Schema To Rich Snippets: Markup For The Advanced SEO
June 18th, 2013 at 8:00 am
[…] show an author’s name and face. However, I’ve demonstrated that Google will display a hybrid of Recipe + Authorship simultaneously. Google keeps changing how these hybrid snippets appear, and I think they’ll […]